Number of names to generate:
Add accents/diacritics:
- Choose number of names to generate.
- Choose male, female, or both (results will either be male or female, randomly determined in the result list).
- Choose one or more ethnographies; if multiples are chosen, name components will be mixed before random name construction.
- Choose whether or not to add random accents and diacritic marks (á, č, ü, etc.) to generated names.
- Click GENERATE ROOT NAMES to get a list of constructed root names, to which you can add last names, titles, etc.
- Click underlined names, titles, surnames, etc., to re-roll the result until you get one you like.
- Toggle re-roll mode to "EDIT" and click on root names or fragments like surnames and titles to manually edit them.
- Toggle re-roll mode to "DELETE" and click on name fragments like surnames and titles to remove just the fragment.
- Toggle re-roll mode to "DELETE" and click on name root to remove the whole line.
- SELECT/DESELECT name roots by clicking on square boxes, or click SELECT ALL/SELECT NONE.
- Add titles, surnames, parentage (son of...), epithets, professions, etc., to selected lines.
- Click CLEAR ALL to remove all names.
- COPY entire name list to clipboard or PRINT the list.